ACMP Attorneys Mitchell and Iacuzzo Moderate Local Trial Lawyer Event’
On Wednesday, February 17, 2016 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., ACMP Partner Greg Mitchell and Associate Kelly Iacuzzo will co-moderate a Members Only Roundtable event hosted by the Central Ohio Association for Justice. Mitchell and Iacuzzo will be speaking on “Social Security Disability, Public Employee Disability Benefits, and Long and Short Term Disability” before fellow trial lawyers during an open discussion. As experts in these areas of disability law, they intend to inform fellow practitioners of red flags in other cases leading to these types of benefits. Public Employee Disability Benefits include disability for state employees (OPERS), teachers (STRS), school employees (SERS), and Police and Fire (OP&F). Members of the Central Ohio Association for Justice can register for this event at Greg Mitchell serves on the board of the Central Ohio Association for Justice as the Social Security Disability Chair.